近日,Reddit上一网友发帖抱怨猫咪的附身机制,称猫咪每次待在自己身上都会感到十分紧张,甚至一度怀疑自己得了社交恐惧症。原帖如下: r/leagueoflegends
Am I socially awkward or does having Yuumi on me make me super self conscious?
Like is it just me that absolutely hate having Yuumi on me? It's like she s observing my each and every move it makes me so uncomfortable. Thank god I quit playing AD before she was released I can't even imagine having her on you the entire lane phase d then you got those people screaming at Yuumi to be on them the entire time
网友U/xSekaii: 难道只有我一个人烦悠米吗?每次悠米待在我身上,我都感觉她好像在监视我的一举一动,引起了我的极度不适。幸好在这个英雄出来前我就不玩AD了,不然我真没法想象她整局游戏都待在我身上的感觉,不知道为什么有人总是想让悠米跟着自己。 此贴一出,也是引来众多Reddit网友的吐槽: ![]()
Having a feeding Yuumi attach to me makes me feel like I have a 10 pound tumor growing on my neck.
网友Totallneffectualism: 猫咪每次待在我身上,就好像我的脖子上长了个10斤的肉球。 ![]()
No reason to be self conscious, when I play yuumi l usually focus on reading a book, or cooking dinner, or going for a light run. Rarely do i focus on the adc
网友Chief_sitass: 兄弟,没必要紧张的。每次我玩猫咪的时候都会把注意力放在看书上,或者去做晚饭,在要不就是出去跑跑步,很少看ADC会怎样。 ![]()
shit the Leona just saw that didn't she, now she knows I' m a shamyI'm just like. oh I even feel this playing aDC in general (no yuumi). if I miss a minior
You miss a cannon in bot? At least 3 other people saw that Terrifying stuff
网友penguin-cat: 有一说一,确实。每次我玩AD时,即便没有悠米也很不舒服。要是补兵的时候漏刀了我就会心想:"淦,日女是不是刚刚看见我漏兵了,这下她知道我菜的抠脚了。" 网友Solash1回复网友penguin-cat道: 上路补兵漏了个炮车?无所谓的,反正没人看。 下路补兵漏了个炮车?下路其他三个人都能看见! 难受。 网友ApdoSmurf回复网友Solash1道: 三个人再加上对面打野... ![]()
feel worse when Yumi leaves me Like, I' m not good enough for you little kitty
网友jwbulmer: 猫咪要是不跟着我走会让我更难受,难道是我玩的太菜不愿跟着我么? ![]()
Yesterday Yuumi attached to me, Zac, fifteen minutes into the game until the end Imagine how the adc felt
网友backinredd回复网友jwbulmer道: 昨天玩扎克,我家猫咪从15分钟开始一直到游戏结束都在我身上,也不知道ADC心里咋想。 ![]()
have never felt more pressure then when l' m playing support and Kalista ults me
Oh god did she cast this because we're in trouble and I should launch away from the enemy? Or is it time to engage? AUGHHH
Always engage 10hp? Knock them the fuck up
网友imhavingSoMunFun3: 同理,每次玩辅助只要滑板鞋绑我,我就紧张得不行。 网友volothebard回复网友imhavingSoMunFun3: 天啊,她把我扔出去是因为我们被包围了吗?她是想让我远离敌人才把我扔出去吗?是时候开团了吗?啊啊啊啊啊!!! 网友Protoyon回复网友volothebard: 无时无刻不开团!还剩10滴血?芜湖,砸过去干翻他们。 文章来源:Reddit